This week I am beginning to lead my group on a little side jaunt. Its been several sessions since we had a multi-night adventure so I had been working on something that I thought would be good. I took some inspiration from Neil Spicer's Fellnight Queen Module. I have not read his actual module, but I did read a review, and I read his proposal. It certainly has my own twist on it, and I am using rules that don't exist... kinda.
Episode 17
The PC's took some time to prepare for the upcoming wedding of Duke Arlington and his new fiance. They got in to some fancy clothes, haggled people down on prices and in general made sure that they were ready to go be guests at a royal wedding.
As they arrived it was obvious that something bad was going to happen, because I drew a battle map. After the wedding as the reception was hitting a high point the windows broke open and inky black fog started pouring in.
As the fog rolled in dark grey skinned goblins and firey eyed satyrs with great axes began attacking the reception. These were a racial template that I made called Dark Fey. The main advantage they have is the can dimension step through the dark fog. They are very mobile, though not particularly strong. I gave the PC's control of the handful of guards in the room. As more goblins filled the room a Dark Fey elf named Abalest stepped in and declared that his mistress Mal'Inia sent her greetings. He then threw a swarm on the ground that immediately covered the Duke and poisoned him with an otherworldly source.
The Party fought off the goblins and then with the help of the High Priest of Tyr, Bertrand, that Typhus had been working with found that the source of the disease was a Fey Lord, in this case Mal'Inia. Doing some research the party found Mal'Inia had been sealed into a pocket dimension by the Dukes family centuries ago. Somehow her dimension had been breached and now she was preparing to wage war on the PC's dimension.
They headed to the Dukes estate and did some additional research, and during this time the hordes of Mal'Inia's Dark Fey had been attacking town along the northern mountains. The point of the breach had been determined as being near the village of Ebonhon. They also found that the only way to cure the Duke was to kill the Fey Lord who had infected him, and that you can't kill a Fey Lord in their own dimension. Not knowing what else to do they decided to head to the rift and see if they could find a way to eliminate Mal'Inia.
The village was small, around the same size as Durrisburg- the first village they spent time in. But the village had become occupied by the military. There were wizards there holding back the fog and patrols trying to contain the Dark Fey from coming down the cliff and invading their dimension.
With the assistance of a local guide they made their way up the cliff avoiding the staging ground of the Dark fey army. At the top of the cliff they found a a stone-henge like set of stones with 1 missing. From the center there was a large dark rift.
Once they enetered the rift they saw a host of dark goblins, satyrs, lesser fey, Ogres, and various assortments of other monstrosities. The PC's quickly slipped into the wilderness rather than facing the army head on. As they passed through the forest they ran into a group of good dark fey who were fighting a rebellion against Mal'Inia and were taking to the encampment in the woods and to their leader, the Dark Unicorn Oberron.
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